Sunday, 9 January 2011

Books: Persepolis


By Marjane Satrapi


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Persepolis is a critically acclaimed autobiographical black and white comic book that depicts the struggles and experiences of a young girl growing up in Iran. A bildungsroman (thank you wikipedia) that takes place during and after the Islamic revolution this is a story that touches upon high charged issues (the veil, torture and political protest) as understood - and constantly questioned - by our no-nonsense taking child heroine. With crude, blocky artwork and sly sense of humour ("'I wanted to be a prophet . . . because our maid did not eat with us. Because my father had a Cadillac. And, above all, because my grandmother's knees always ached.'') it's a very different kind of thing to most other comics out there - and is comes closer than most to matching the description of "graphic novel."

Links: The Hipster Dad's Bookshelf Review.

Further reading: Blankets, Embroideries, Fun Home, The Rabbi's Cat, Blue Pills.

All comments welcome.

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