Thursday 17 February 2011

Books: Shortcomings


By Adrian Tomine


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I love this line from the NY Times review of the book: "vaguely misanthropic and sexually insecure, Ben is the not-so-lovable protagonist of “Shortcomings.” But don't let that put you off. This is an excellent comic written in the same crisp, clean, matter-of-fact style as Ghost World and with the same keen eye for the minutiae of things. After a series of short stories this is Adrian Tomine's first attempt at writing something long-form and the results are excellent. There's slow naturalistic unfurling of the characters, no clumsily exposition, a storyline that's neither too pat and predictable nor meandering and unfocused and an enfolding feeling that is best described as 'bittersweet.' The guy's good.

Links: The Hurting ReviewNY Times Review.

Further reading: Summer Blonde, Ghost World, Blankets.

All comments welcome.

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