Monday 18 April 2011

Books: Meanwhile


By Jason Shiga


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A strange messed-up blend of a comic, video game, mathematical equation, one of those "choose-your-own-adventure" books you used to read as a kid and some strange, alien, avant garde art-object that's always one step ahead of what you think is going to happen next - or whatever: Meanwhile by Jason Shiga is anything but typical. The story: young Jimmy has to choose between chocolate and vanilla with life-changing consequences for the whole world hanging in the balance. To say what happens next would spoil the surprises (of which there are many) - and anyway - what happens next is up to you. With several branching off points (do you want to go for the left panel or the right panel?) - and a structure that twists, turns and (if you're lucky) loops back on itself this is a book that ensures only the most careful readers will be able to advance to the end. Needless to say: it's very clever and very well-made and a strange step forward for what comic books can do.

Links: Comic Book Resources Interview.

Further reading: Quimby the Mouse, Promethea, Understanding Comics, Goliathxkcd.

All comments welcome.

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