Saturday 20 August 2011

Books: Ministry of Space


Ministry of Space
Written by Warren Ellis
Art by Chris Weston


Available now from Islington Libraries
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A three-issue mini-series set in an alternative world where Britain won the Space Race: this is a comic book that starts with fantastical concepts and then slowly examines the repercussions that extend from within them. With gob-smackingly splendid artwork from Chris Weston (one of my favourites) this is a book that pulls up a comfy chair to nestle in the space between Dan Dare and gritty kitchen sink realism. With a smattering of tally-hos and cups of tea both Ellis and Weston together create a picture of world that feels plausible whilst still existing tantalisingly out of reach. Of course it's all over much too soon (only three issues damn them) - but it's a fantastic voyage while it lasts. Jolly good.

Links: Astronotes Review, BrooWaHa Review.

Further reading: The Filth, Tintin: Destination Moon / Explorers on the Moon, The Chimpanzee Complex, Heart of Empire or the Legacy of Luther Arkwright.

Profiles: Warren EllisChris Weston

All comments welcome.

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